Close to the heart and hands on too! Our first talk of the season was from husband and wife team, Jonathon and Yvonne Holder of Welsh Vernacular Antiques. Their showroom in Cross Inn, Llanon, has an impressive stock of Welsh antiques and country furniture.
Their subject for the evening was Welsh love tokens. They shared with us and even allowed us to handle some of beautiful items from their personal collection - see Jonathan below. His brief article which follows is an excellent introduction to the history and also the value of these beautiful items.

Welsh Love Spoons
Antique Love spoons are amongst the most desirable and highly sought after objects depicting one persons love for another that exist.
There are many books on the subject - detailing the meanings behind the symbolism displayed upon their surfaces and indeed the symbolism of the spoons themselves, but what is it that makes them so special and sought after by so many?
For some it is their link to Wales and it’s distinct culture, quite different to that of much of mainland Britain. Or a hark back to simpler times of a truly hard days work and chivalry towards women.
For some it is the appreciation of the craft, the patient skill of the maker clear to see in the fine detail and fragility of the piece.
Following a tiresome day the young man knife in hand would set about carving from one single piece of sycamore a spoon, including within it as much of his talent, eye for proportion and beauty that he could apply in the hope that his would-be sweetheart may see in this offering the potential in the man behind it.
Whilst a number of spoons were made by professional carvers indeed the majority are made by individuals and range widely in design and skill.
One has to feel a little sorry for the fellow who’s talent does not lie within carving. This we know as many naive examples exist and whilst desirable to the collector for their unique features they may have not have been quite so well received by the young lady recipient (or indeed she may have felt that it is the thought that counts I like to think).
Whilst condition is important, imperfections and damage are all acceptable given the rarity and delicate nature of these pieces.
In terms of investment earlier examples, large in size and of complicated or more asthetic form are the the most desirable. Any spoon over a hundred years old is significant and worthy to the collector.
With prices starting from £300 upwards for genuine antique examples they are not cheap but well within the means of most people wishing to buy something truly special. The very best examples turn up occasionally with specialist dealers and can fetch upwards of £4000. Although this may be considered a large sum, Love spoons have been one of the few Welsh Antiques that have constantly risen in price during my quarter century of dealing and have never shown signs of dipping.
This makes them secure investment pieces, something which both dealers and public have recognised enforced by the fact that some of the best collections are in the homes of dealers themselves.
Who can blame them, the age, patina, symbolism and history behind each piece coupled with their tactility and decorative appeal and investment potential make them the perfect antique. I certainly have a few that my home would not feel the same without.
Jonathon Holder of Welsh Vernacular Antiques
And here is a link to their website