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Blog Posts (64)

  • Apêl Heddwch Merched Cymru 1923-24

    Braint oedd gwahodd Catrin Stevens i gyfarfod mis Hydref y Gymdeithas. Mae Catrin yn hanesydd nodedig ac yn arbenigo mewn hanes merched. Testun ei chyflwyniad oedd ‘Apêl Merched dros Heddwch 1923-24’. Mae hi a nifer o ferched blaengar yng Nghymru wedi bod yn rhan o grŵp ‘Heddwch Nain/Mam-gu’ a ddaeth at ei gilydd wedi darganfod deiseb o 1923-24. Cafwyd hanes anhygoel y ddeiseb wrth iddi gael ei darganfod mewn cist dderw yn Sefydliad y Smithsonian yn Washington, a’r ymgyrch i’w chael yn ôl I Gymru. Gwireddwyd eu breuddwyd yn Rhagfyr 2022 pan gyrhaeddodd y ddeiseb (7 milltir o hyd) y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Aberystwyth. Mae arni 390,296 o lofnodion o bob rhan o Gymru ac mae’r gwaith o drawsgrifio'r holl enwau bron ar ben. Apêl yw’r ddeiseb oddi wrth ferched yng Nghymru ar i ferched America alw am ‘Gyfraith nid Rhyfel’ ac i America ymuno â Chynghrair y Cenhedloedd newydd. Disgrifiodd rôl degau o unigolion lleol a fu’n ddygn yn trefnu’r ddeiseb yn eu hardaloedd drwy gerdded o dŷ i dŷ. Bu'r rhain mor hanfodol i’r ymgyrch. Dangoswyd i ni enwau a llofnodion unigolion o Aberaeron a’r cyffiniau a fu’n trefnu a llofnodi'r ddeiseb. Creodd hyn gynwrf arbennig ymhlith y gynulleidfa. Gallwch ddarllen mwy am yr hanes diddorol hwn ar- Diolch, Mair Jones

  • Peace Petition

    Talk about Girl Power! In October our informative speaker, Catrin Stephens, told us all about the Women’s Peace Petition of 1923-24. Signed by 400,000 women across Wales, it aimed to persuade America to join the League of Nations to avoid another world war. Had it succeeded, history would have been very different. Just as mammoth a task is the current work of transcribing all the signatures, after which it will be digitised. One of the people contributing to this is our very own trustee, Mair Jones. Thanks to her work and that of all the other volunteers, we will, in due course, be able to look for the names of our own ancestors or our homes in these records. You can watch and read all about this fascinating piece of social history, the return of the Petition to Wales and the project to transcribe the signatures by following the link below:

  • The Lost Girl

    UPDATE: Application withdrawn. Original post: Love it or loathe it, now is the chance for you to have your say. Plans have been submitted to Ceredigion Council to build an optical illusion sculpture on Aberaeron's harbour to commemorate the emigration of locals to Ohio in the 1800s. Consultation is now open, and closes on 26th November. A link to the application is below:   CAS trustees have already submitted our response.  Whilst we fully support commemorating the emigration to Ohio and indeed giving recognition to the ‘lost girl’ of the voyage, we have formally OBJECTED to the current design proposal: We endorse the strong public opposition that the structure will obscure the iconic harbour view out to sea and in particular our beautiful sunsets. The scale of the 5 metre structure seems totally inappropriate - it will completely overwhelm the Look-out tower on the harbour; and the struts will be visible from many of the town’s viewpoints, interrupting those views.  As the image of Mair will only be revealed at a specific point from a certain angle, it is therefore only the unsightly struts that will be visible from most places.   We are concerned that this structure will not age well, either in terms of style and more importantly that its physical condition will deteriorate. This is actually acknowledged in the application.  Furthermore, we feel that the planning application is premature. The graphics do not incorporate the harbour extension so it is difficult to see the design in context  CAS trustees were involved in early discussions about the form the commemoration would take. At that point the proposal was for a sculpture of a 19th century travelling trunk. We believe that something of that nature would be a far more appropriate memorial for our historic harbour town.

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  • Home | Cymdeithas

    Welcome to Cymdeithas Aberaeron Society Celebrating , interpreting and presenting the maritime & architectural heritage and social history of Aberaeron and the surrounding district. About Us Cymdeithas Aberaeron Society is registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) via the UK Charity Commission with Charity no: 1145491. Our Annual Accounts are filed with the UK Charity Commission. We hold an Annual General meeting in public to account for our activities. CAS is run entirely by volunteers with our income coming from membership fees and donations. Our Aims Set up to continue the work of the 2007 Aberaeron Bicentenary community heritage project, the objective of Cymdeithas Aberaeron Society (CAS) is the promotion for the public benefit of the local heritage and history of Aberaeron and the surrounding area. We aim to continue to grow a proactive membership that participates in our activities and events including: - Talks of local interest - Visits and trips - A dining club. Our Team The people overseeing CAS are: President: Elinor Gwilym Chair: Siân Stewart Treasurer: Gwyn Jones Membership Secretary: Sandra Evans Meetings Secretary: Sally Hesketh Other Trustees: Phill Davies, Steve Davies, Mair Jones. Please let one of us know if you would be interested in joining our number.

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